VANVASI SEVA SAMAJ TRUST B.ED COLLEGE ,PAVI JETPUR wedded to values and ideals and with the motto to provide aid to the needy and the inderprivileged. The V.S.S.T COLLEGE Educational Complex has a strong commitment to meet the varied educational needs of its students and educational institutions. Resolved to work on the lofty ideals of excellence and perfection, stressing on merit and quality education, the Trust makes a sure-footed debut in the field of education since its inception.
Our vision is to offer a range of pre-service training programmes for student teachers in order to prepare a cadre of secondary and higher secondary teachers, we aim at imparting value added, globally relevant education with the sole aim of preparing good teachers.
Our mission is to satisfy the need of the society by preparing highly qualified team of education fields and to create a learning enviroment through our training facilities ensuring a globally relevant education based on eternal human values.
Our college has identified some major values to be incorporated with our learning teaching strategies. They are honesty, regularity, punctuality and sense of responsibilty. These values are made known to various stakeholders through curriculum and co-curricular and extra curricular activities.